Secured a license for 24,000 tones of salmon

Secured a licence for 24.000 tons land based salmon production. Has plans to star the building process in spring.

News from the editorial team

Desember 22, 2021

Baring Farsund has been granted a license for a landbased salmon farm in Lundevågen i Farsund.

The company, which is own by people from South and Western Norway, will build the largest land-based facility for post-smolt and food fish in the southern most part of Norway. When completed, the plant will have an area of over 80,000 square meters of building mass and an annual production capacity of up to 24,000 tons of salmon.

Read mor about it here

Baring Farsund
December 22, 2021

Baring Farsund has been granted a license for a landbased salmon farm in Lundevågen, Farsund.